If you’ve not taken advantage of the long days of summer, it’s not too late. Grab a pen and paper and start writing down all you want to do. After all, summer was made for family time!
Stuck and need suggestions? Here are 10 simple, and inexpensive ways to have fun and make memories before it’s back to school and the days get shorter.
Chase fireflies
Catching one of these glowing insects is not only fun, but it’s a little challenging too! How many can you catch?
Breakfast picnic
Is there anything more unusual when it comes to mealtime than planning a breakfast picnic? Pack up the cinnamon rolls, biscuits and jam, a thermos of orange juice and head outside! It doesn’t have to be far, your own yard is fine.
Park hopping
How many playgrounds are in your area? Of those, how many have you been to? Make it a challenge to see how many you can visit in an afternoon. Stop before or after for a cool treat.
Scavenger hunt
There are loads of scavenger hunts that you can find online. Many local places might have printable ones too. Do a search, print the hunt, and have a fun time!
Sprinkler party
It’s not a waste of water when you are staying cool and watering the grass! Connect a few sprinklers to hoses, stick on a swimsuit, and create your own made up games in the spray!
Chalk games
If you’ve a big open slab of concrete like a driveway, this one is for you! None? Head to a park! With sidewalk chalk, create your own giant board game!
There’s never a bad time to help! Does the pet shelter need someone to refill food bowls or cuddle and brush animals? Does the neighbor down the street have a hard time weeding her flowerbed?
Lazy day
Who doesn’t like to stay in their jammies all day? Spend the whole day in your PJs, lounge around, and make a fun dinner that isn’t much work like frozen pizza or appetizers. Let everyone take turns choosing favorite games or TV shows to play.
Mystery Drive
Ever taken a mystery drive? The rules are simple…climb in, strap up, and get going. Where will you stop? Who knows! Drive and see what looks interesting!
Electronics free day
As hard as this one might be, an electronics free day might be fun for the family! Everyone picks something they’d like to do electronics free, and shares their ideas with others. Draw one and spend the day doing it!
No matter what you choose to do during the final days of summer, enjoy yourself. Did you do something interesting already? We’d love to hear about it!