Children’s Books That Are Good. Pure. Fun.

Our Story
In 2009, Sheila Booth-Alberstadt founded SBA Books, an Indie Publishing Company in Daphne, Alabama. She originally wanted a platform to publish works that help children tackle a variety of topics from health and hygiene, with a comical twist, to dealing with the struggles children often face in everyday life. Over the years, SBA Books has provided Booth-Alberstadt, and her team, endless opportunities ranging from ghostwriting, creating the animated series, Maggie McNair’s World, and helping other authors through the process of creating a beautiful children’s books of their own.
With today’s social climate, Booth-Alberstadt recognizes a need for positive role models influencing our young children. “We need books that are good, wholesome, and pure. There’s already enough darkness in our world and it’s time we shine light into the hearts of children. We pray to team up with other authors and illustrators who share the same values and passion. It's a beautiful ministry to see a dream come to life, especially when God gets the glory,” said Booth-Alberstadt.
SBA Books is currently looking to publish material that enlightens kids about important things such as good morals and character, proper etiquette, and simple truths about God, all the while keeping it fun and visually engaging.
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We Are Accepting Submissions
If you have always dreamed of having your children's story published, we would love to help you. We only accept manuscripts that will positively influence children, and young adults. For submissions, email us a query letter with your manuscript attached in a PDF. Please allow 2-4 weeks for our response.

Schedule a School Visit
When an author, or illustrator, visits a school, it often becomes the bridge that helps children connect with books. It helps children view reading, writing, and art as being fun, and cool, and gives them a window into the creative process. For many children it is the moment that a dream is awakened.
"There's something so beautiful about looking into the eyes of young children (who have come to realize the person behind the words and pictures is real) and knowing that you have a short window to positively influence and impact their life...forever."~ Sheila Booth-Alberstadt- Author
At SBA Books, no school is too small for us! We consider it a blessing to pour into your children, encourage them to be creative and successful and that they too can put something great into this world. Reach out to us if you’re interested. We have dynamic authors and illustrators with incredible stories. We can also schedule Skype and Zoom visits as well.
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Thought is Not The Boss of Me
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Thought is Not The Boss of Me

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Atlee’s Song