Meet Maggie McNair & Her Bug Friends

I’m seven years old and I LOVE being a kid. I used to pitch fits about having to comb my hair, brush my teeth, and take baths. I also had a hard time keeping my finger out of my nose and doing those gross things that most kids do sometimes—until my really cool bug friends came along. They helped me learn about hygiene, etiquette, and making smart choices. Even though they are bugs, my parents don’t mind them hanging around because they say my friends are “good influences and role models.”
My favorite thing to do is play outside with my bug friends and discover the many things about this GREAT, big world we live in. I also like visiting schools with my mom and reading my books to other kids just like me. My mom makes it a lot of fun and encourages the kids, and teachers, to want to take good care of themselves. Having cavities, big knots it your hair, especially when you’re tender headed, and having stink bugs in your bed—is NOT FUN!
My books are for both boys and girls, ages 2-8, and the rhyme makes them a lot of fun to read, again and again. Don’t forget to find the hidden bugs on every page! Oh, and they are Accelerated Reader Books too. This means you can earn points in many elementary schools across the good ole’ U.S.A.
When you order my books on this website, my mom will personalize them AND you’ll get FREE shipping. Oh, and one last thing, send us a message if you want us to come to your school.
Hope you’ll stick around and become my friend, too.
See you later!

Maggie's bug friends

Booger Bug is slow and steady... and sticky! He tends to find himself in some sticky messes. Yes, he’s gross and slimy, but he’s kind and helpful, too. Plus, sometimes his stickiness comes in handy.

Miss Spider is a very talented “web designer” and never ceases to amaze her friends with her web-spinning creativity. She often has to gently remind her friends to use their manners. Everyone loves Miss Spider and seeks her advice. Plenty of times, she dispenses advice without being asked, too.

Stink Bug doesn’t like baths. He thinks he smells fine and doesn’t mind getting dirty at all. Fearless and funny, he can mimic anyone’s voice—especially his friends. They don’t mind, they think it’s hilarious. He can always make the best of a bad situation. The other bugs tolerate his “pungent aroma” because he’s fun to be around.

Sugar Bug never misses a meal, especially when it contains sweet, sweet sugar. He works hard to control himself when he sees a candy confection, but once his sugar switch flips, it’s hard to contain his attraction for the glittering granules. Sometimes, Maggie’s impulsiveness makes him a little nervous (he’s probably jumpy from all that sugar) but other than that, he’s a pretty mellow fellow.