Fun Ways to Promote Summer Reading

Fun Ways to Promote Summer Reading

​Wondering how you can get your child to stay reading this summer with all of the electronic distractions and routines out of whack? When it’s hot and kids get bored, a little too much screen time happens. Here are some great ideas for you!

Earn something by reading

​Sometimes the lure of a prize helps. You’ll find that many bookstores, like Barnes and Noble, give kids a free book, just for reading during the summer! Check with your public library for their summertime reading program.

You might even win more than just a book with your local library! Other places that often give prizes for summer reading are ice cream shops, and Pizza Hut. Even Chuck E Cheese has something on their site. Start browsing your favorite places, and see if anyone is participating in summer reading promotions!

Games galore!

​How about a game? There’s nothing quite like challenging yourself, or another, to make something fun! This fun printable reading bingo game is one of hundreds found, just by doing a quick search.

Host a book swap!

​Trading out the old for the new is always fun! Get a group of friends together and hold a book swap. Everyone brings what they don’t want anymore, and takes what they do want. Leftovers can be donated to Little Free Library locations, or a charity. Even adults can (and should!) swap books.

Start a book club

Have a favorite book? Why not get some friends together to share it? Then, you can talk about what you liked, didn’t, and what you want to read next!

Try one of these four ideas this summer, and help prevent boredom, the summer slide, and too much time on the sofa!
